A Beginners Guide to Waxing

Curious about waxing options?  We have answers to all the most frequently asked questions about waxing.  Read up on waxing below, then call today to make an appointment to get started. 

How does it work? Waxing is a semi-permanent hair removal option that takes hair out from the root.   Because it removes hair at the root, its more effective than shaving, which only removes hair starting at the skin’s surface.  Waxing leaves skin smooth and hair-free for a couple of weeks until the hair regrows and over time the hair can begin to grow in finer, thinner, and slower. 

What part of the body can be waxed?  Waxing can be done on almost any part of the body that needs it. Women frequently get waxed on their legs, underarms, bikini line, upper lip and eyebrows.  Chest and back are popular spots for men to get waxed. 

How long do results last for?  Every client is different – hair regrows for each person at a different rate.  In general, results last for 3-5 weeks.  As you continue to get regular waxing treatments, the length of time between waxes can increase.

How long should the hair be to wax?  Hair needs to be ¼ in to be waxed.  If the hair is longer, your esthetician can trim the hair to the desired length. 

Are there any health precautions I should keep in mind?  Certain medications can affect your skin, so make sure to be honest with your esthetician about medications you are on or allergies that you may have.   Additionally, sunburned or irritated skin should not be waxed.  If you aren’t sure, just ask your esthetician and they will be able to help you determine if you can safely wax your skin.

What do I need to do after?  While we can’t predict or guarantee who may have a reaction, most clients do not experience any reaction beyond redness and minor irritation.  However, here are some tips to help minimize irritation and breakouts:

  • Treat skin gently – avoid sun exposure, abrasives or exfoliation for 24-48 hours.
  • Wear sun screen
  • Avoid saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools and heated sources for at least 48 hours
  • Do not use exfoliating products and loofas for at least 24 hours

Have a question we missed? Allison is always more than happy to advise you on what is best for your skin.  Don’t hesitate to call or ask her a question at your next appointment. 

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