Tips for Baby’s First Haircut

The first haircut for your child can be a huge milestone for mom and dad – but it can be a little intimidating for your little one.  We have some tips to make the trip go as smoothly as possible. Child hair cut

First, keep in mind, every child is different – your child could need a haircut early in life, or could be well into his or her toddler years before their hair needs trimmed at all.  If your child’s hair is starting to get into their eyes or is bothersome on their neck, it’s probably time to consider giving them a little trim.

Prepare for the big day…

As with all new experiences, preparation is key for successful cut.  To prepare your child consider the following ideas:

  • Play “hair salon” at home – play pretend with your child and brush their hair and spritz them with water.  This gives you the chance to explain that the hair stylist will do that too and show them that it doesn’t hurt.
  • Choose your words – the word “cut” can remind children of getting a boo boo; saying “trim” or “style” can make the difference in your child feeling comfortable going into the new experience.
  • Time your trim – try to schedule the hair cut for  time when you know your child tends to be more cooperative.  Work around their nap and eating schedule to try to ensure your child will be more open to the cut
  • Bring the right supplies – bring some special treats, or something fun to distract your child if necessary.  If they have a special lovey, blanket, or toy, make sure that makes the trip as well.  Finally, you may want to consider bringing an extra t-shirt just in case your child doesn’t want to wear the cape while getting their cut done.

The day of…

  • First – remember to relax! If you are nervous or emotional, your child will definitely pick up on that.
  • Have your child’s hair clean and brushed .
  • If your child is having a hard time, remember you can always have them sit on your lap to make them more comfortable
  • Finally, bring a fun accessory to put in your child’s hair after the cut to really play up how awesome they look with their new hairdo!

Remember, the more fun you can make a tip to the salon, the better!  Hopefully these tips help make your child’s first (and second, and third) haircut a successful experience for everyone!

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